The Digital Past

History 390, Summer 2019

Skill Assignment #8

This page was last modified: Mon Jun 3, 2019

For the final skill assignment, you should create a page on your website that brings together all of the skill assignments you’ve created for this class. Treat your portfolio as a page that describes the work you’ve done in the class and the skills you’ve gained for someone who is not familiar with the goals, assignments, or purpose of this class.

Each portfolio should include:

  • A list of all skill assignments with links to each one.
  • A description of each assignment. Consider: what was the topic or question at hand? How did you answer it using the technology? What does this tool or approach demonstrate about digital history and what did you learn from using this technology to study a historical problem?
  • An overview of the course and a reflection on your progress throughout.

Your portfolio should be between 600 and 1,000 words and address each assignment thoughtfully and completely.

Skill #8 (your portfolio) is due Friday, July 26th by 1:30pm. No late work will be accepted.