Mapping Gymnasiums in Boston, 1914-1924 (A Visualization for Clio 3)

Categories: Coursework Programming for Historians
Mapping Gymnasiums in Boston In 1889 Josiah Quincey was elected Mayor of Boston. Throughout his term as mayor he implemented a new system of municipal baths and gymnasiums in the city designed to encourage moral behavior, hygiene, foster community, and encourage exercise for the cities residents. These gymnasiums, although open to all residents, were placed largely in immigrant heavy neighborhoods and reflected a focus on physical culture that was reminiscent of life in Eastern Europe.

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Dat Tutorial

Categories: Coursework Programming for Historians
What is Dat? Dat is a set of tools used to “build and share data pipelines.” Dat was created with the goal of bringing “to data a style of collaboration similar to what git brings to source code.” The project, developed by Max Ogden, is designed to allow not only easy data sharing but also row by row version tracking. The five key features of Dat’s tools [(as described by Dat’s GitHub page)](make%20data syncable.

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Reflections on the Spring Semester and Year 1 as a Digital History Fellow

Categories: Coursework Digital History Fellowship
It seems like just yesterday we walked into the Center for History and New Media a bit unsure about what our first year as DH fellows would entail. Looking back it has been an extremely rewarding and valuable experience. Last fall we blogged about our rotations in both the Education and Public Projects divisions. In the Spring we moved to Research for seven weeks where we worked on a programming project for THATCamp and on the PressForward project before moving onto a seminar about the history of CHNM.

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